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Our article is among the most viewed articles in Frontiers!

Donnerstag, 22.09.2016

It's a cooperative research project of SysMusGraz members about Neural Biomarkers for Dyslexia, ADHD, and ADD in the Auditory Cortex of Children.

A research article by Annemarie Seither-Preisler's, Peter Schneider's and Richard Parncutt's team(*) is among the most viewed Neuroscience articles in Frontiers in July 2016. The full text of "Neural Biomarkers for Dyslexia, ADHD, and ADD in the Auditory Cortex of Children" can be found here:



(*) all members: Bettina Serrallach, Christine Groß, Valdis Bernhofs, Dorte Engelmann, Jan Benner, Nadine Gündert, Maria Blatow, Martina Wengenroth, Angelika Seitz, Monika Brunner and Stefan Seither

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