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Vortrag: Erica Bisesi

Montag, 27.05.2013

How does music expression depend on structure?

Erica Bisesi

University of Graz
Center for Systematic Musicology

Monday 27 May 2013 at 5.30 pm,

SR 33.02.076
Public lecture -  All welcome

In what way does music expression depend on musical structure? The question may be clarified by examining how leading performers segment musical phrases, as well as how they agree on selection and emphasis of local events (accents). Accents are local events that attract a listener’s attention and may be immanent (grouping, metrical, melodic, harmonic) or performed (variations in timing, dynamics, and articulation). We will discuss a new computational model of accent salience (Parncutt, Bisesi & Friberg, 2013). This model is being investigated in two different ways: perceptually - by comparing predicted versus perceived accent saliences in eminent performances (Bisesi, MacRitchie & Parncutt, 2013), and physically - by measuring variations in timing and dynamics as performed by eminent musicians (Bisesi, Orio & Friberg, 2013). Results will be used to extend our model for music analysis in a new direction, based on communication of structure in music performance.

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