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Article about Annemarie Seither-Preisler and Peter Schneider in the journal "UniZeit"

Friday, 19 March 2021

The official journal of the University of Graz "UniZeit" reports in its current issue on the research of center members Annemarie Seither-Preisler and Peter Schneider. In particular, the article addresses the long-term influence of active music making on brain and behavior in children and adolescents and describes positive effects on the developmental disorders dyslexia and AD(H)D. The two researchers developed an auditory training program for affected children, which seems to be even more effective than playing a musical instrument and rebalances the brain's hearing functions within a relatively short period of time. They also developed a test for individual hearing profiles to find out, which instruments are best suited for a certain individual.

The article can be found here: https://uni-graz.e-publikation.de/de/unizeit-1-2-3/musik-und-emotion/seither-preisler 

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