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Der Klang von Gefühlen

Montag, 13.01.2014

Vortrag und Konzert von Erica Bisesi, Jennifer MacRitchie (Klavier), unter Mitwirkung von Sabrina Sattmann

Montag 13 Januar 2014

Vortrag: 17:00  --  Konzert: 19:00

Festsaal im Meerscheinschlößl
Mozartgasse 3, 8010 Graz

Herzlich Willkommen!

Vortrag (English! - 5:00 pm; 60 minutes plus discussion)

How does music communicate emotion? Musicians have always had strong intuitions about this question, which they put into practice in their performances. Recent advances in the understanding of emotion in music have enabled these musical intuitions to be clarified. This lecture and recital will be presented by two researchers who are also performers. We bring together disciplinary traditions and current research from music psychology, music theory and music performance to develop a new theory of emotional communication in the western classical tradition. We will demonstrate how the theory works with musical examples. The examples will appear in the following public recital.

Öffentliches Konzert (19:00)

Klavier zu vier Händen, Flöte. Das Programm beinhaltet Werke von Mozart, Liszt, Chopin, Rachmaninov, und Schubert.

Einladung und Programm: program flyer

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