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Activities 2012

1 January 2012, Centre:
Lina Dornhofer joins the centre staff as a student assistent (8 hours/week) working on evaluation and publication of data from prior research on applied interculturality research (cAIR). She also conducts research by herself.

9 January 2012, University of Vienna:
By successfully defending his doctorate thesis, Brabec de Mori is now transformed into a Dr. phil.

13 January 2012, University of Arts & Music, Graz::
Winter presents a lecture about "So, what's your favourite music? On empirical approaches towards musical genres." at the 25. DVSM-Symposium (Umbrella association of musicology students).

31 January 2012, ReSoWi:
Public presentation of nine posters by students of Parncutt's seminar on musoc psychology. The posters by Abuzahra/Pirker, Eder/Ernstreiter, Takacsy/Glabischnig, Lagana, as well a the award winning poster by Sattmann/Semlitsch are exhibited in the centre's foyer.

1 March 2012, Centre:
Erica Bisesi's three-year FWF project “Expression, Emotion and Imagery in Music Performance” starts.
Andreas Gaich begins work as student assistant. His main objective is computer aided analysis of early polyphonic music.
Bernd Brabec de Mori is now employed at the centre for 30 hours/week (75% instead of 50%).
Manuela M. Marin, Susanne Sackl and visiting professor Bruno Gingras start teaching this term's courses at the centre: Bruno is teaching this summer term's lecture on psychoacoustics and music cognition and a proseminar on emirical music psychology. Manuela instructs students in (music) psychological data analysis, and Susanne helps Bernd Brabec de Mori with 50% of the Introduction to Music Psychology course.

23 – 24 March 2012, Jyväskylä, Finland:
Parncutt gives a keynote address at the Finnish National Symposium on Musicology, Finland entitled "Interdisciplinary musicology: Bringing together humanities and sciences". On 24 March 2011 he functions as opponent for a PhD defense at the University of Jyväskylä (supervisor: Tuomas Eerola; candidate: Rafael Ferrer Flores).

27 March 2012, University of Linz:
Parncutt is external examiner for a dissertation at the Kepler University (Supervisor: Gerhard Widmer; candidate: Sebastian Flossmann).

30 March 2012, Leeds, UK:
Daniela Prem holds a lecture entitled "Jazz voice sounds - the role of sound descriptors in musical practice" at the Leeds College of Music.

4 April 2012, Maribor, Slovenia:
Parncutt gives a talk at the Faculty of Arts (Filozofska fakulteta), University of Maribor on "Contemporary Trends in Music Psychology" on the invitation of Dr. Katarina Habe.

12 – 15 April 2012, Uni Graz:
The international ESF Exploratory workshop "Cognition of Early Polyphony: Bringing together Humanities and Sciences" convened by Parncutt takes place at Graz university's main building from April 12-15. Nineteen researchers from a variety of disciplines contribute to a programme of high quality and diversity. In three plenary sessions possible future cooperations and follow-up projects are discussed. Subsequently, Andreas Gaich evaluates the recorded discussions for the ESF and follow-ups.

15 May 2012, Faculté de musique, Université de Montréal, Canada:
Parncutt gives a lecture entitled The origins of music: Grooming, flirting, playing, or babbling?.

16 May 2012, ReSoWi:
Public presentation of the movie "Corumbiara" by Vincent Carelli (Brazil, 2009) with an introductory lecture by Laida Mori Silvano de Brabec about histories of contact with indigenous peoples living in voluntary isolation (in cooperation with the Society for Threatened Peoples Austria, campaign for protecting uncontacted peoples in Brazil).

17 May 2012, Schulich School of Music, McGill University, Canada:
Parncutt gives a lecture entitled  The demise of number ratios in music theory: Pythagoras faces the final curtain

18 May 2012, Uni Graz, Aula:
Lecture by José Carlos Meirelles about "The Invisibles" (in cooperation with the Society for Threatened Peoples Austria, campaign for protecting uncontacted peoples in Brazil).

24 – 25 May 2012, Inst. f. Cultural and Social Anthropology, Uni Vienna:
Brabec de Mori contributes to the workshop "Biology and Ethnology" at the 7th Days of Cultural and Social Anthropology with a paper entitled "Ethnobiologie, Ethnomedizin, Ethnopharmakologie und einige weitere Missverständnisse".

26 May 2012, BRAMS, Université de Montréal:
Parncutt holds the final lecture at SysMus12 international conference entitled "Can humanities and sciences really work together?"

31 May 2012, BRAMS, Université de Montréal:
Parncutt gives a guest lecture at the International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research (BRAMS) entitled "Pitch, tonality, and the missing fundamentals of music cognition".

2 – 3 June 2012, Inst. f. Musicology, Uni Vienna:
Meeting of the Austrian National Committee of the ICTM in Vienna, co-organised by Brabec de Mori; including the symposium Musik als Therapie – Perspektiven aus Ethnomusikologie und Musiktherapie, where Brabec de Mori presents a paper entitled "Musiktherapie ex Schamanismus: die Magie von Kontakt, Ansteckung und Mimesis aus kulturanthropologischer Perspektive"

12 June 2012, Department of Speech, Music and Hearing, KTH Stockholm, Sweden:
Bisesi and Anders Friberg give a public lecture entitled “Modeling stylistic variations with Director Musices: An approach based on phrasing and accents”.

23 June 2012, Villa Contarini, Piazzola sul Brenta, Padova, Italy:
Bisesi’s collegues from the University of Padova present Bisesi, Friberg & Parncutt’s scientific research on expressive performance in a collective presentation entitled “Dagli automi musicali alle macchine che suonano musica espressiva: Evoluzione dei sistemi per l’esecuzione musicale automatica”.

27 June 2012, Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland:
Bisesi and Jennifer MacRitchie give a public lecture entitled “Measuring and modeling expression and emotion in piano performance”.

11 July 2012, Paris Nanterre/France:
Victor A. Stoichiţă and Brabec de Mori organise and moderate a workshop on “Sonic Beings? – The Ontologies of Musical Agency” at the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropology (EASA). They also present their joint paper “Sonic Beings? - An introduction” during the same workshop.
21  July 2012, Vienna, Austria:
Brabec de Mori and Matthias Lewy organise and moderate a workshop called “Antropología Auditiva – El rol del sonido en ontologías indígenas” at the 54th International Congress of Americanists. In addition, Brabec de Mori presents his paper on “Agencia musical y la ontología del sonido. Ejemplos del valle del río Ucayali, Perú” during the same workshop.

23 – 28 July 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece:
Bisesi, Parncutt and Prem attend the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC) and 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM). Bisesi presents a poster on “Recorded interpretations of Chopin Preludes: Performer’s choice of score events for emphasis and emotional communication” (co-authors: Jennifer MacRitchie and Parncutt). Prem presents a paper on “The ideal jazz voice sound: a qualitative interview study” (co-authors: Parncutt, Annette Giesriegl and Hubert Johannes Stigler). Parncutt presents “Estimating historical changes in consonance by counting prepared and unprepared dissonances in musical scores” with co-authors Kaiser and Craig Sapp (Stanford). Parncutt also presents a paper entitled “The financial crisis for dummies” at a well-attended political session after the conference.

1 August, Centre:
Prem replaces Brabec de Mori as University Assistant without Doctorate. Brabec de Mori begins a 6-month period as “senior scientist” at the Institute for Ethnomusicology, University for Music and Performing Arts Graz.

6 September 2012, University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna:
Winter speaks on “Musical practices of migrants in Graz: On the construction of cultural identities and symbolic boundaries in musical contexts” at the 7th Conference of the Research Network Sociology of the Arts “Artistic Practices” (co-author Parncutt).

14 - 15 September 2012, Institute of Education, London, UK:
Bisesi attends the SEMPRE 40th Anniversary Celebration Event and presents a poster on “Computational models of music performance in relation to musical style and performing technique” (co-authors: Anders Friberg and Parncutt).

14 - 16 September 2012, Ottobrunn near Munich, Germany:
Parncutt attends BIEN: Basic Income Earth Network and presents a paper entitled “Universal basic Income and flat income tax: Tax justice, work incentive, economic democracy”.

21 September 2012, Jyväskylä, Finland:
Prem presents a paper on “Jazz Voice Sound – Creating a semantic space for research and practice” at the seminar of the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Music Research.

27 - 29 September, Institut of Psychology, Uni Graz:
Parncutt participates in the final workshop of AMseL – Audio - und Neuroplastizität des musikalischen Lernens, applicant: Annemarie Seither-Preisler, funded by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Germany.

15 October 2012, Centre:
Sabrina Sattmann, Marlies Bodinger, and Florian Eckl start working as student assistants. Sabrina is working with Richard Parncutt on Pitch perception and missing fundamentals in musical sounds (data collection and data analysis) and supports the teaching of the centre. Marlies and Florian are employed by Erica Bisesi for her FWF project Expression, Emotion, and Imagination in Music. Marlies carries out a qualitative study, while Florian assists in research design. Also on 15 October, Sebastian Flossmann (Linz) gives a guest lecture entitled “Expressive performance modeling and the Magaloff Corpus”.

30 October 2012, Centre:
Martin A. Schmid (KUG Graz) contributes a guest lecture on “Predicting the root of a musical chord: Theoretical principles and contemporary approaches”.

6 November 2012, Centre:
Karim Weth (University of Salzburg) gives a guest lecture entitled “Emotional ambivalence in music: Felt and perceived”.

20 – 21 November 2012, Centre:
Anders Friberg (KTH Stockholm) visits the centre. Among the activities related to current projects and teaching he gives a guest lecture entitled “From performer to listener: Encoding and decoding music performance”. In a separate session, centre members present their research projects and consider Friberg’s recommendations.

13 – 15 December 2012, Graz, Resowi:
Brabec de Mori and Winter attend the conference Akademische Wissenskulturen und Soziale Praxis which inspires plans for the Conference Auditive Wissenskulturen: Das Wissen musikalischer Praxis to be held in 2014.


Office and Library
Glacisstraße 27, 1st floor A-8010 Graz
Phone:+43 (0)316 380 - 8162

Library Opening Hours:
Wednesday: 10am - 1pm
Friday: 11am - 2pm

Only during the semester, on days when there is teaching.


Head of Centre Prof. Dr. Richard Parncutt Phone:+43 (0)316 380 - 8161


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